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간단하고 쉬운 홍합탕 레시피

by 에이디마스터 2021. 11. 30.

간단하고 쉬운 홍합탕 레시피

Simple and easy mussel soup recipe

홍합탕 레시피/맛있게만드는법

Mussel soup recipe/how to make delicious

입안이 까칠거려 먹고싶단 생각도 나지않을때 홍합탕하나면

If you have a mussel soup when your mouth is dry and you don't even want to eat it.

밥 한두공기 쯤이야 후다닥 흡입하자나요~

It's about a bowl or two of rice. Shall we take a deep breath?

만드는 방법 지금부터 알아볼께요~~

Let's learn how to make it now.

홍합탕 요리재료 - 후추 약간,청양홍고추 2개,통마늘 3개,대파 1/2,홍합 1k (기호에 맞게 가감하시면 됩니다)

Ingredients for mussel soup - a little bit of pepper, 2 cheongyang red peppers, 3 whole garlic, 1/2 green onion, 1k mussels (add or subtract according to your taste)

홍합탕 레시피-맛있게만드는법

Mussel soup recipe - how to make it delicious

1. 금방 수확한 알이굵은 신선한 홍합을 준비해줍니다.

1. Prepare fresh mussels that have just been harvested.

2. 홍합은 흐르는물에 바득바득 문질러서 껍질에 더러운 부분을 깔끔하게 씻어주면 됩니다.

2. Rub the mussels thoroughly in running water to clean the dirty parts of the shell.

홍합에 붙어있는 족사는 밑으로 잡아당기면 간단하게 빼낼 수 있으니 참고하셔요.

Note that the mussels attached to the mussels can be easily removed by pulling them downwards.

3. 넓은 냄비에 홍합을 넣은뒤에 맑은 물을 홍합이 잠기도록 넣어줍니다.

3. Put the mussels in a wide pot and add clear water to submerge the mussels.

처음부터 홍합을 넣어 삶아줘야 입을 잘 벌린답니다.

You have to boil the mussels from the beginning to open your mouth well.

4. 매콤한 청양초와 어슷썬 대파를 전부 넣은뒤에 끓여줍니다.

4. Add the spicy cheongyangcho and the diagonally sliced ??green onion and bring to a boil.

5. 골고루 잘 익도록 아래위로 위치를 바꿔주면서 끓여주시다가 뜨는 거품은 견져 줍니다.

5. Boil while changing the position so that it cooks evenly and up and down, and hold out the foam that floats.

6. 홍합들이 거의다 입을 벌렸으면 불을 줄이고 간을 봐 싱겁다면 소금으로 간을 맞춰주세요.

6. If the mussels have almost all their mouths open, reduce the heat and check the seasoning. If it is bland, season with salt.

7. 간편히 끓여주기만 했는데도 속시원한 국물이~ 너무너무 맛있는 홍합탕 완성!

7. Even though it was simply boiled, the soup was refreshingly delicious. The mussel soup is so delicious!

탱글탱글한 홍합과 시원한 국물이 소주안주에도 최고랍니다!!

The plump mussels and the cool soup are the best side dishes for soju!!

혹시 아시나요? 홍합(담치)살이 짙은 주황빛은 암컷, 연한 살구색 수컷 이랍니다.

do you know Mussels (mussels) are dark orange in color for females, and for males with light apricot color.

홍합탕 레시피-맛있게만드는법

Mussel soup recipe - how to make it delicious

이웃님들도 나중에 월요일저녁 든든히 맛있게 잘 챙겨드시고,

Neighbors, please take good care of yourself on Monday evening, too,

오늘하루도 화이팅 힘내세요^.^

Fighting and do your best today too ^.^

